Feed Me Food!

Quick Guide to Feeding Your Whole Body

Struggle with hunger, emphasizing the need for healthy eating habits and self-control.

What Am I Supposed To Eat?

I only knew one thing about food: I was hungry and needed to eat. I didn’t care about what I ate, whether a bag of chips or a handful of corn nuts. After all, corn nuts are healthy, right?

Before, I had a fundamental understanding of digestion. My thoughts on the process were limited to the idea that food goes in through the mouth and waste comes out the other end. I was unaware of how the body breaks down food and utilizes it for energy. The only phrase I was familiar with regarding nutrition was ”An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

I believed that only eating iceberg lettuce or drinking Slimfast for all my meals would make me skinny, but it didn’t. Instead, it made me hungry, irritable, thinner, and under nourished.

No Self Control

I wasn’t struggling to maintain my iceberg lettuce diet because I lacked self-control. I was starving my organs and my cells of fuel. My body didn’t recognize what I was putting in it as food, so it kept sending out hunger signals, screaming at me to survive.

When I didn’t listen to my body and continued in a calorie deficit, body aches, headaches, and dizziness started. I honestly believed that this was just how being skinny feels.

Inevitably, I gave up and grabbed a hot ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of chips, and soda from the grocery store.

I devoured it as if it were my first meal in weeks, even though it had only been one or two days. I told myself it was a healthy meal, just a sandwich, chips, and a drink – the go-to lunch in my bag as a kid. Yet, I was still a little hungry, and 20 minutes later, it was as if I hadn’t eaten anything.

Salt, processed meats, and sugary soda overshadowed the small nutritional value of the food.

Fun fact: Carbs boost your brain’s release of serotonin, which helps you feel calm and satisfied. No wonder carb-free diets made me miserable!


When I was in school, there was a food pyramid on the lunchroom wall as we entered the lunch line. As a young person, I didn’t fully understand the importance of vitamins and nutrients for our bodies to function correctly. All I wanted were the brightly colored boxes of whatever fun treat the cartoon tiger told me was healthy. My five-year-old mind trusted that tiger. Nowadays, I still find myself bombarded by advertising for fast food and processed foods. These products often have bright colors and labels that claim they are “healthy.” Still, they are high in calories and preservatives and offer little nutritional value. Eating these foods can leave us constantly hungry, even after consuming a large meal. 

Fun Fact Two: Consuming carbohydrates and fats can increase serotonin levels in the brain while consuming protein can decrease it.

I struggled with my weight for years, or rather, I struggled with the idea of what my weight should be for years, well into adulthood. I believed I was supposed to weigh a specific number and that my measurements had to meet certain guidelines. However, I could only achieve this goal if I tried hard. My body was different from others; it carried weight in a specific way and metabolized food differently. My frame was also different from my siblings and friends. I was tired of not feeling comfortable in my skin because my body had specific needs that could not be met with a one-size-fits-all approach.

I understand that malnutrition and starvation can affect anyone, regardless of appearance. Despite weighing between 140 and 180 pounds, my body was starved of essential nutrients. Though I would eat a meal and feel temporarily satisfied, my stomach would soon growling again. This all changed when I began educating myself on nutrition and realized how much I still had to learn.

That’s why I enrolled in school and studied to find out what my body needed. I added more nutrient-dense foods that met my needs, such as leafy greens, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. As a result, my constant hunger decreased, and I felt more energized and focused throughout the day. Although it’s not always easy, I still crave sweets but opt for freshly baked ones.

It’s a common misconception that weight loss can be achieved by eating less or taking pills. It’s crucial to provide your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals to function correctly. Junk food, on the other hand, only clogs up your system. If you experience constant hunger, assessing the quality of the food you’re consuming is essential. Your body may be indicating that it lacks necessary nutrients. The solution can be as simple as incorporating more nutritious foods into your diet.

Meal Planning: Preparing a Little Ahead

Meal planning makes it easier to achieve a healthy diet. It forces you to think about the impact of food on your body and make better choices. A meal plan can help you avoid unhealthy eating habits and keep you full, energized, and focused. 

Your meal plan should include a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. Vary your meals to prevent boredom and ensure you get different nutrients. 

FeedMeFood.org offers nutritional facts, a meal planner, a grocery list, and recipes to try. You can even include and share your recipes with others and get diet recommendations for specific health conditions.

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